Thursday, July 29, 2010

38 pounds

This is how much I've lost since January.  I have more to lose but sure did feel good to fit into a 2 sizes smaller dress for the wedding.  Itu was a wonderful wedding but I'm glad it is over.  I'm sure that Marnie and Toph are too.  All of the people who came to visit are gone now and the house is mighty quiet.  I miss Lily and Taevin the most but I do miss their parents too.  That's what happens when you let your kids go away.  I think that's the way God meant for it to be too though and it sure is nice having a conversation with my hubbie.  The PA at the doctor's office won't do a fill until the incision site is completely closed but it is getting there so probably in a few weeks.  I hope so, I feel like I've been eating way too much and probably have.  It'll be nice to be back to losing again.  In the meantime.......Yokohama Rice bowl is waiting.  Have a great evening to all.


  1. You are looking great, Jan! I can see the progress. And your dress for the wedding was beautiful!

    Cheering you on!!! Yay, Jan!!!

  2. Congratulations Jan!!! I am trying to drop a few pounds myself but ... i'll update u soon :-)
